Welcome back to YJB's Big Brother Season 1. In the previous Episode, we had our first Double Eviction. Its two victims happened to be the charming Businessman Andrew Hudson and the lovable co-star of Outside Of The Target Dustin George. The latter shocked us by openly call our Riley for her bad behaviour at his Eviction. How will this week look? Lets have a look at what happened after Andrew's and Dustin's Eviction.
I mean it is quite normal to see Katharina involved in some Drama, but this time she didn't even do something. Apparently due to her being a Supernatural Fan, she has a Habit to embrace or slap People around her on full moon. This could also be interpreted into the fact that no matter how well E-Kat did in Abnormality, she will never beat Rebecca in being the ultimative Queen of Comps. I mean 4 HoH wins? Even Carlito would be envious.
I just found out that it seems to be a regular thing that in the black community in Big Brother doesn't really do well, some examples are Dominique, Da'Vonne, Swaggy C, Bayleigh and most recently Kemi didn't do well in the Competition. So it makes me happy that Tyrone, Calvin and Brian are doing so well in this Version :)
I just realized how much diversity we have in our cast when it comes to nationalities. Benny, Janine and Katharina are all German, Freya and Hannes are Swedish, Kida is half-Albanian, Lea is Canadian, Brandon is half-Israeli and Rachel is British-Danish. That is why I love the Reality Show Community, you can Play in so many ways with so many backstories :)
Lea apparently took the call out from Dustin towards Riley to heart and confronted her about it. Riley insulted her back. Yikes.
Ooh, Faye is mad, maybe because she is annoyed that all the meanies are still in.
The HoH:
In this HoH, the contestants had three attempts to shoot the ball as far as possible. The contestants with the widest range would be the new Head Of Household.
As the outgoing HoH, Rebecca would not
The game was really exciting to watch. We had some with great tries, some with great misses, Katharina even played with Handicap, some broke their glof club, and Calvin has to face a lawsuit for causing a car accident. Fortunately nobody was harmed during the challenge.
In the end Tryone decided the challenge for himself with a range of 157 meters and was crowned the new Head Of Household.
I was wondering why all of them still spent time in the garden, till I realized that I had the doors locked so nobody would go inside during the challenge because it was raining. Oopsies xD
In the basement we have Janine and TJ as enemies, here it somehow seems to be between Ben and Brandon. Either Ben thinks Brandon is a poser, Brandon is pissed at Ben because his ally Andrew was evicted instead of Ben...or both xD
And then we have Rachel again, who proves again that you do not need to yell at people to come far. I am doing a bit of prediction in the meantime, and quite honestly I think Rachel has good chances to go really far in this game.
Okay Faye, I know you are great sim and you are absolutely gorgeous, but one think: STOP PRANKING OTHER PEOPLE! When even Queen Rebecca yells at you for that, that must be the final call you really need.
Honestly when I saw that face on Rebecca, I knew EXACTLY that I made a great recreation of hers, because that is EXACTLY the face she made when she was mad at Vanessa and her Father on Zero Privacy #PreggoQueenReFTW
I mean we have quite a few feuds in the house, but this one almost makes me sad. Katharina and Kida could have been such a great duo. Both are great strategists and both have an amazing Fashion sense. I don't understand why they have to be so catty towards each other. Doro does not approve!
At the end, Tyrone decided to put up Rebecca and Lea (again) on the block. Both have the opportunity to save themselves in the PoV Competition. Now this leaves Questions. Is Lea used as a pawn this seasion since this is her third Nomination already? Who of them is considered a threat? Who do you want to see continue? And who do you think will continue? Find otu more in the next part :)
Who knows Lea is the Roxy of this story! XD
AntwortenLöschenHaha, they actually look similar xD