Donnerstag, 8. August 2019

Episode 8.2: 9th Eviction

The Eviction Ceremony:

Houseguests, it is the time of the week again. Tonight we will find out who the first Juror will be. Lea and Kida are facing eviction. Both of you deliberated with your fellow housemates, there is nothign you can do anymore.

Freya, please report to the Diary Room, you'll vote first.

Freya: Sure thing Big Brother.

Freya: I sadly vote to evict Lea.

Rebecca: I finally vote to evict Kida.

Brandon: Oh man, this breaks my heart. Sorry Lea but it has to be you.

Faye: I vote to evict Kida.

Hannes: With a broken heart, I vote to evict Kida.

Ben: I vote to evict Lea unfortunately.

Rachel: I vote to evict Kida.

Katharina: I sadly and with a lot of certainty vote to evict Lea.

Houseguests, the votes are in, and we have a tie. Both of you recieved 4 votes.
Lea & Kida: What?

Brian, as the Head of Household, you have the deciding vote on who you want to evict. The person you evict will only have a few moments to say their goodbyes.

Brian: Well, I would love to vote to evict both of you simply because you two are floaters. You suck in challenges and are both useless for my game. However one of you is more likely to turn juries around due to her gullibility. And that is why I vote to evict...

Brian: Lea.
Lea: Um, excuse me?!?!

I'm sorry Lea, you have been evicted from the Big Brother House, please say your goodbyes.

Lea: I'm gonna do that, BUT let me clarify something first!

Lea: I mean I am not entirely shocked to be gone. Afterall I've been the pawn for three consecutive evictions. And I know that Kida has her side of the house that voted for her to stay, which I respect. But what I really don't respect is your attitude, Mr Davis.
Brian: What the hell are you talking about?

Lea: I am talking about how you all of the sudden think you are the king of the house and you have the audacity to call Kida and me floaters. I may not like her, but she has actually played the game as far as I'm concerned. And although I've been on the block for most of the time out of anyone here, I still did my all in every challenge. And honestly, out of anyone, you aren't exactly in the position to call ANYONE a floater.

Brian: What is that supposed to mean? I won a freaking HoH, something you and Kida both failed to do.
Lea: You think being the Head of Household makes you less of a floater. Oh please, I've been analysing some housemates, you included, and the only thing I've seen from you is riding Ben's coattail. You are portraying yourself as such a nice and gentle player, but as soon as you grasp a tiny bit of power, it goes right into your head. Ever since you've won, you have picked fights with Ben, Freya and me, people that had your back. And then producing such a self-absorbed speech of how my Kida and I apparently suck is just disgusting. Honestly, this behaviour makes you more of a scumbag than Katharina and Kida together, at least both of them aren't trying to hide the fact that they are manipulative bitches..

Katharina: Oof, burn.

Lea: And you know what, you can go around with that attitude as much as you want. This is what is going to send you to the jury house next week. Although honesty, I would hope they keep you so I can get a one week break from your bullshit!

Rebecca: Yas, Show him Girl!

Lea: Now that this is out of my mind, I wish good luck to the rest of you. No matter who of you voted for me or not, I love you guys and I can't wait to see all of you together in the finale.

All (but Brian and Kida): We love you Lea!
Lea: Bye guys!

Kida:, a fight that doesn't involve me...Awesome.

And with that bomb of an Exit, we say goodbye to our favourite Shy Girl Lea Tremblay who surely left quite a few inpressions. She is the 9th Evictee and finished in 11th Place. She is also the first juror of this season. After this fight, what will happen next week? Was this eviction justified, or would you have preffered a different outcome? Please tell us in the comment section. Find out what happens next week in a new episode of YJB's Big Brother Season 1!

Ben Schiffer
Brandon Cohen (Returned)
Brian Davis
Faye Daughtery
Freya Valquist
Hannes Valquist
Katharina Ehrmann
Kida Thompson
Rachel Nissen
Rebecca Pierce

11th Lea Tremblay (9th Evictee, 1st Juror)
12th Tyrone Jackson (Intruder, 8th Evictee)
13th Calvin Lane (7th Evictee)
14th Riley Dawson (Intruder; 5th Evictee)
15th Dustin George (4th Evictee)
16th Andrew Hudson (3rd Evictee)
17th TJ Duncan (2nd Evictee)
18th Janine Schffer (1st Evictee)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Whoa, that was spectacular. Shame that those fights weren't covered in the footage though - that'd be very interesting to see. :)
    Still hoping Kida will win an HOH and use it to prolong her stay. :) I like how she causes drama. :)
