The HoH:
To determine the HoH of tonight, all of you had to hand in a ranking of your fellow housemates from who you want to stay the most to who you want to leave the most. And I can announce that with 49 Points...
Congratulations Brandon, you are the new Head of Household.
Brandon: What?! Wow, thank you guys.
Now Brandon, please go to the head of the Living Room and tell us which three houseguests you will nominate.
Brandon: Alright guys, you all know how much I respect all of you. This decision is strictly game for me. So with that, I've decided to nominate...
Brandon: Faye...
Faye: Kinda expected that.
Brandon: Katharina...
Katharina: Woo, shocker.
Brandon: ...and you Freya.
Freya. How dare you! Just kidding, no hard Feelings.
This means that Faye, Katharina and Freya, you are nominated. All of you will get the opportunity to save yourself. You three will participate in the Power Of Veto challenge.
Also participating will be HoH Brandon...
...and Rebecca.
The PoV:
For this challenge, your Fashion sense is asked. You will draw a creation that has either to do with High Fashion or Make Up. The best paying Portrait will Award its drawer with the Power of Veto.
Everybody did their best, but there could be only one winner. And the winner with a worth of 12 Simoleons is...
Congratulations Ben, you have earned the Power of Veto.
Ben: Sweet!
Ben: As the PoV holder, you will now decide if you want to use it or not and on who you want to use it if you want to. Are you ready?
Ben: Yes I am Big Brother.
Ben: Well, I have decided to use the Power of Veto one somebody who just recently saved me from the block and I want to repay her, and this Person is...
Ben: ...Freya.
Freya: Aww, thank you so much Benny.
Brandon, because Ben saved one of your nominees, you now have to name a replacement nominee.
Brandon: Man, this is hard. Again this is nothing personal, but I decided to nominate...
Brandon: Brian.
Brian: ...whatever...
Houseguests, it is time to find out who will leave in the Triple Eviction Twist. Tonight, Faye Daughtery, Katharina Ehrmann and Brian Davis are up for Eviction. This time however, your fellow housemates won't vote for who they want to leave, they will vote for the Person they would like to save. The two nominees with the least votes will be evicted. All of you deliberated with your fellow housemates, there is nothing you can do anymore.
This time, we start in the reverse order. Hannes, please head to the Diary Room.
Hannes. Very Well Big Brother.
Hannes: I would like to save Faye.
Rebecca. I vote to save Faye.
Ben: I vote to save Katharina.
Freya: That is an easy one, I vote to save Faye. Fairy power forever!
Rachel: I vote to save Katharina.
Houseguests, the votes are in, and we have a result. As soon as I announced both evicted Houseguests, they will only have a few Moments to say their goodbyes. With Zero votes to save...
...Brian, you are evicted from the Big Brother House. Please stay there just for a Moment.
Brian: Yeah, fuck y'all too.
This means either Faye or Katharina will stay in the house. By a vote of 3-2... are safe.
Faye. WHAT?!?! Oh my god, thank you guys.
Which means Katharina, you are also evicted from the Big Brother House, please say your goodbyes.
Katharina: Wow, never thought People would wanna keep me.
Brian: Fuck this shit, I'm out.
Katharina: Wow, rude.
Katharina: Well, I am glad I made it this far considering the times many of you hated me throughout this time. But I'm not mad, like I said in Abnormality, if I lose, I will strut my way with my head Held high. And that is what I'm doing here too. At least I can rub it in Calvin's Face that I actually made it to Jury.
Katharina: Bye guys, its been a pleasure.
And with that, we say goodbye to Kida Thompson, Brian Davis and Katharina Ehrmann, the victims of tonights Triple Eviction. They are the 10th, 11th and 12th Evictees and finished in 10th, 9th and 8th Place respectively. They have also become the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Member of the Jury. Where this shocking evictions, or expected ones? Who would you have kept/sent home? And what will happen next, find out... wait, we have a preview for you, because...
here a Little preview...
to be continued...
Ben Schiffer
Brandon Cohen (Returned)
Faye Daughtery
Freya Valquist
Hannes Valquist
Rachel Nissen
Rebecca Pierce
8th Katharina Ehrmann (12th Evictee, 4th Juror)
9th Brian Davis (11th Evictee, 3rd Juror)
10th Kida Thompson (10th Evictee, 2nd Juror)
11th Lea Tremblay (9th Evictee, 1st Juror)
12th Tyrone Jackson (Intruder, 8th Evictee)
13th Calvin Lane (7th Evictee)
14th Riley Dawson (Intruder; 5th Evictee)
15th Dustin George (4th Evictee)
16th Andrew Hudson (3rd Evictee)
17th TJ Duncan (2nd Evictee)
18th Janine Schffer (1st Evictee)
Ooh, please have Kida return XD