Freitag, 9. August 2019

Episode 9.1: Fairly Odd Contestants

Welcome back to YJB's Big Brother Season 1. Last Episode Lea Tremblay was evicted and left with a bang which as directed to HoH Brian who voted for her in a Tie Breaker against Kida. With such an explosive Exit, what will happen this week? Will People aim for Brian, or will somebody else become the victim? Find out RIGHT NOW!

The HoH:

For this HoH Challenge, the contestants had to present their sculpturing skills. The Person with the sculpture of highest worth will be the new Head of Household.

Brian, as the outgoing HoH, will not participate in this challenge.

The contestants began sculpturing, and it didn't take Long to realize that a lot of contestants went for the same type of sculptures. And here are the end Rankings...

Ben and Katharina both came last with 17 Simoleons.

Rachel finished 7th with 21 Simoleons.

Rebecca is in 6th Place with 24 Simoleons.

Brandon and Freya both had a worth of 25 Simoleons and finished in 4th.

Bronze goes to Kida with 29 Simoleons.

Hannes was close, but came in 2nd with 33 Simoleons.

And Faye finished in 1st with a sculpture worth 34 Simoleons.

Which means congratulations Faye, you are the new Head of Household.

Faye decided to respect the wishes of Lea and DIDN'T nominate Brian. Instead she nominated Kida and Ben. Will one of them be saved? Find out RIGHT NOW!

The PoV:

In this PoV Challenge, the contestants were divided in two Groups, These Groups would Play Billards against each other. The two best Players of each Group would Play against each other till the final round where the two Group winners will be facing each other. The winner would get the Power of Veto.

In Group 1 there were Ben, Brandon and Freya, in Group 2 were Faye, Hannes and Kida.

Brandon and Freya were the best two Players of Group 1 and Faye and Hannes were the best in Group 2, which means Ben and Kida are both eliminated from the challenge.

Now the Battles began, Brandon vs Freya and Faye vs Hannes.

It appears that the fairies are successful since Faye and Freya won their Battles.

Now it was the battle of the fairies. The winner would hold the Power of Veto for the week.

Both presented really strong games and tactics.

But in the end Freya proved her strengths once again. Freya has now the Power of Veto.

With no hesitation, she chose to use the veto on Benny, whom she considers a good friend in the house.

Faye was forced to pick a replacement nominee, and Chose to nominate Rebecca.

This means that Kida Thompson and Rebecca Pierce were the final nominees of the week. One of them will leave the Big Brother House at the end of the week. What do you think of These nominees? Who are you rooting for? And who do you think will get evicted? Find out in the next part.

Ben Schiffer
Brandon Cohen (Returned)
Brian Davis
Faye Daughtery
Freya Valquist
Hannes Valquist
Katharina Ehrmann
Kida Thompson
Rachel Nissen
Rebecca Pierce
11th Lea Tremblay (9th Evictee, 1st Juror)
12th Tyrone Jackson (Intruder, 8th Evictee)
13th Calvin Lane (7th Evictee)
14th Riley Dawson (Intruder; 5th Evictee)
15th Dustin George (4th Evictee)
16th Andrew Hudson (3rd Evictee)
17th TJ Duncan (2nd Evictee)
18th Janine Schffer (1st Evictee)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Ack! Super hard outcome...

    Secretly I hope Rebecca leaves, because she's had her run on ZP already, and Kida is much more delightful as an underdog.
